Friday, March 15, 2019

Fluff and Ruff on Etsy reopens

Well, well, well, here we are again. It's been a long two years since I last blogged and I hope to renew that habit and write on a regular basis now that I have reopened Fluff and Ruff on Etsy.
I suspect a lot has happened to you in these two years and the same is true for me. Life keeps rolling at us, doesn't it? The biggest news for me is that I have recently retired from teaching high school English. It was impossible to concentrate on my outside artistic endeavors during the teaching years, which is why I closed the shop in 2016. Like most other teachers, I was consumed with lesson planning, monitoring students' progress, assessing and grading, and anticipating the impending teacher evaluations (which happened formally four times per year in my district). It has been a real luxury, then, to concentrate on designing and creating upcycled beach glass jewelry and other cool stuff at Fluff and Ruff on Etsy. You will find pendants, cuffs, earrings, and more. Who doesn't love beach glass?
There's also a new motto at my shop: "Every summer has its own story." After the brutal winter we've endured, I think it's about time that we indulge our daydreams of warm breezes, cold drinks, and laid-back beach vibes. Until I write again, enjoy the warming temperatures and remember that summer is indeed a state of mind (especially in the parts of the country where winter lasts six months). Start your summer story TODAY. Take a minute to visit Fluff and Ruff on Etsy, look around for a while, and if you're so inclined, LIKE and SHARE.
Here's the link: **All my best** --Gigi

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